We are pleased to announce that Joney‘s new EP “Retrovertigo” will be released digitally on Audiolith Records on 04/09/2015. To fulfill the age-old wedding perequisites, we are also re-releasing his debut “illowhead” on 28/08/2015. What is borrowed and what is blue in this arrangement, we will leave for you to find out…

AU_joney_vertigo_insta_neuDesign by Kilian Vilim

Jonas Schiefferdecker, simply known as Joney, produces experimental electro music spanning almost all known genres. It will always make you dance, at times like a bopping drum’n’bass fanatic, or like a hopping breakbeat listener, like a trance-y spacecake and then sometimes like an ecstatic teenager. Why is it, that this Hamburg-based producer refuses to decide on one genre and stick to it? The reason for this is part of the message that Joney wants to send out to the (generally message-lacking) world of music. In the same way that cultural debris always creates new cultures, Joney grew up in and grew from the ruins of the dying youth cultures of the 90s. Flashbacks to times before TV-on-Demand and the internet, when the kids hung out in parks and under bridges with cheap sound systems. This retrospective however is neither melancholic nor retro: Joney doesn’t own any vinyl and instead he produces with a computer, a synth and sometimes his drum kit.
Joney’s debut LP “illowhead” was released on vinyl in 2013 and it is re-issued digitally by his new musical home base Audiolith on 28/08/2015. The record was celebrated and highly regarded for it’s experimental, genre-surpassing and brilliant production by both known DJs and relevant magazines. This trend is continued by the new EP “Retrovertigo” which will be released on Audiolith Records on 04/09/2015. The seven tracks were produced over the last 5 years, and have been perfected during numerous live shows in front of diverse audiences to be tracks that enchant and disturb the listener to a similar degree. They are a last resistance against consumerism and marketing trends. Anything goes, but nothing is easy. They pull people in just to alienate them. Perfectly planned ideas, realized in total chaos. Joney himself is just like his music: deadly serious and carefree, happy-go-lucky, reflected and ignorant at the same time. His enigmatic self and his musically fearless and open-minded creations might be what makes him notorious amongst the social circles of the Golden Pudel Club, East the Beat and Ill… However to find the real Joney, one would have to head out after 3am to find him amongst Hamburg’s club scene.

As a little taster/bribery we uploaded one complete song to Soundcloud, check it out:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/214668683″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Joney – Retrovertigo (04/09)
iTunes: snip.ftpromo.net/joneyretrovertigo (Instant: Island In The Pun)
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1JQM9UR

Joney – illowhead (21/08)
iTunes: snip.ftpromo.net/joneyillowhead (Instant: Get Drunk feat. Grapes)
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1OV1Vh1

06.8. Neukirchen – Skandalös Festival
15.8. Hamburg – Nachtasyl
19.8. Hamburg – Golden Pudel Club
21.8. Hamburg – Hafenklang
05.9. Hamburg – Golem
10.9. Hamburg – Golden Pudel Club
26.9. Zürich – Secret Location

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